Speaker: Andy Phelps
Date: Nov 8, 5-6pm, EAE Game Studio
Talk title: Applied Constructionism in an Interactive Games Curriculum
Description: This talk explores the role of constructionism as a basis for computing and arts education though a retrospective of the design, development, history and analysis of the programs at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Specific focus is placed on the integration of computing and the arts, the role of and support of multidisciplinary teaching and research, and lessons learned, current challenges, and national and international trends in games development education. This session features numerous examples from curriculum design, research projects, student work, and academic/industry partnerships.
Bio: Andrew "Andy" Phelps is a Professor of Art & Design at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). He is the also the founder of the RIT School of Interactive Games & Media, the founder of the RIT Center for Media, Arts, Games, Interaction & Creativity (MAGIC) and the founder of the associated MAGIC Spell Studios. His alumni can be found at major studios worldwide including Microsoft/343, Activision/Blizzard, Bungie, Sony, Zynga, and more. His work in games education is recognized internationally, has regularly been presented at numerous academic conferences and journals, has been supported by grants from numerous sources including the Library of Congress, the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Education, Microsoft Research, and more. He currently serves as president of the Higher Education Video Game Alliance (HEVGA).