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The Games Division is Moving Colleges

Many undergraduate and graduate students in the Division of Games have heard that the Division may be moving colleges here at the U.  We wanted to update you all on some very important changes you will be seeing in the next few months, and some information regarding registration.

We ARE moving colleges

The Division of Games is moving its administrative home from the Prince College of Engineering (PCE) to the College of Architecture and Planning (CA+P). This move was approved by the U’s Board of Trustees at their February meeting will go into effect July 1, 2024.

So what changes will you see as a student?

  • If you are graduating this spring or summer semester, you will graduate under the Price College of Engineering.
  • Once we move, all our degrees will still be designated as  STEM and STEAM degrees, especially for purposes of OPT.  .
  • Sadly, we will no longer be a part of the Price College of Engineering scholarship pool. If this concerns or directly affects you, please reach out to your advisor so we can discuss next steps.
  • We are not PHYSICALLY moving. BLDG 72 is still the hub for everything Games.
  • More opportunities! By moving to CA+P we hope to open up more opportunities for collaborative work with the City and Metropolitan Planning, Multi-Disciplinary Design and Architecture majors.

Gen Ed Requirement Changes

Starting this fall the university is changing it’s general education requirements. This only affects students who ARE NOT CURRENTLY declared in the major. Here is a link that details those changes.

  • If you are declared BEFORE fall semester you will be beholden to the gen ed requirements you’ve come to know and love.
  • If you are NOT declared before fall, then you will be part of the new requirements.
  • If you are already declare but want to do the new requirements, you can opt into them.

The EAE program designation is out.  GAMES is in.

When you all go to register for class, you will no longer see EAE as the subject code for our classes. That is being replaced with GAMES. Pretty straight forward why this change is happening: we changed our name from EAE to the Division of Games, so our course code designation needed to change as well.

Please, reach out to your advisors or instructors with any questions or concerns you might have.

Keep being amazing Gamers!