Speaker: Amy K Hoover
Date: Jan 24, 5-6pm, EAE Game Studio(Bldg 72, 2nd Floor)
Talk title: Creative AI: Deep Learning & Games
Description: With recent advancements in deep learning (a subfield of AI), companies like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Unity and NVIDIA are beginning to embrace advanced AI-based techniques. Researchers in academia and in industry alike are exploring new methods for creating and modifying game content (e.g. levels characters, animations) with these techniques. It is therefore likely that emerging roles in these companies will include positions for those familiar and adept with AI. This talk will introduce some basic concepts in deep learning and discuss current approaches and limitations of machine learning to creative tasks in games.
Bio: Amy K. Hoover is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics at New Jersey Institute of Technology and was formerly a postdoctoral researcher at Northeastern University in the Playable Innovative Technologies Lab and the Institute of Digital Games at the University of Malta. Through the support of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned her Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Central Florida, where she also
earned an M.S. and B.S. in computer science and a B.S. in mathematics. Her research focuses
on building systems to empower human-computer collaboration, particularly in games and other creative domains.