Speaker: Jeremy Gibson Bond
Date: April 18, 5-6pm, EAE Game Studio(Bldg 72, 2nd Floor)
Talk title: Unity's Entity Component System: The Oncoming Storm
Description: At Unite Austin 2017, Unity first introduced their Entity Component System (ECS). Since then, it has moved from R&D to public beta, and in the future, ECS will completely replace the traditional Unity pairing of GameObject + MonoBehaviour, upending the core way in which we both conceptualize and execute Unity projects and code. The benefit of all this chaos is a tremendous increase in speed and in the utilization of multi-core processors as well as the creation of code that is more portable and understandable. In this talk, Jeremy Gibson Bond, the author of Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development, will explore the concepts of ECS and take you through a simple tutorial that showcases the best practices of ECS and the tremendous performance improvements it affords. The talk will also include some information about how we run the GameDev curriculum at Michigan State University, ranked #7 by Princeton Review and #3 by 80.lv.