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Home How Does The Transition from EAE to Utah Games Impact You?

How Does The Transition from EAE to Utah Games Impact You?

On July 1, 2023, the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program officially transitioned from being a teaching program to being a division, an academic unit with equal status to departments and schools on campus at the U.  While the organizational unit EAE no longer exists, the Division of Games has entirely taken its place.  The new Division administers all the same existing degrees, minors, and certificates.  All our existing students are automatically students in the same degrees, but now just under the new Division’s name.  Here are some specifics for people who have questions about their own situations:


  • For current EAE students (pre-Games, full-major status in the BS in Games, the Games minor, the Games or EAE emphasis in the undergraduate degrees in the the Kahlert School of Computing, the Masters of Entertainment Arts and Engineering, the Game Design graduate certificate, and/or the joint MEAE with the MBA program in the Eccles School of Business):  You do not need to do anything.  The only thing that will change for you is the unit name under which you now will get your minor, certificate, or degree.  You will continue to register for and take the same classes, work with the same advisors, and graduate with the same degrees.  Easy peasy!
  • For students interested in coming to the U to study in EAE: The same amazing programs and degrees are here, eager for you to join us!  Admissions and entry into the U and into the Division of Games programs follows the exact same processes.  Just look for details under our new name: the Division of Games.
  • For our amazing EAE alumni:  Just like always, we love you, peers!  And we love your beautiful EAE degrees and the many things you learned while studying here in EAE.  We will always acknowledge EAE as our origin story.  Our very DNA grows from our first 15 years with you as the Entertainment Arts and Engineering program.  Let’s find even more ways to engage with each other as we go forward!
  • For people interested in joining the Division:  If you’re up for helping to build a world-class games department that changes the way games are taught, played, built, and understood, see our page about hiring.  The new Division has received strong support for growth in staff and in teaching and research faculty, and we’d love to talk to you about our very cool plans.
  • For collaborators/potential collaborators:  For those of you that are currently collaborating with us on research or teaching activities, the administrative changes around our transition shouldn’t impact you at all.  There is no change required on your part or on the part of your unit’s administrative support team.  Should you have any questions, please reach out to the Division’s chair, Michael Young, at