March 2nd, 2023 @ 12:30pm MT
Bldg 72, 1st floor lecture space
Clark Stacey has been building video games and game companies since 1995. He is the co-founder and CEO of WildWorks, the premier global game company specializing in safe, substantive interactive media for children. In 2010 WildWorks launched the online playground Animal Jam, which has grown to become the largest massively multiplayer online game for kids in the world. Connecting over 140 million young players worldwide, Animal Jam engages players with a blend of social gameplay and multimedia educational content. The mobile version has been the #1 top grossing iOS app for Kids 9-11 in over 50 countries since its launch, and has received App of the Year awards from Google Play and Kidscreen.
WildWorks is headquartered in Salt Lake City and employs over 50 developers and support staff across the world. In August 2022, WildWorks was acquired by Nazara Technologies Ltd, the first publicly traded game company in India.
Mr. Stacey graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in English Literature and Philosophy. He enjoys writing, outdoor sports, and exploring the mountains of the American West with his wife and four children.