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Home Prospective Students Master of Entertainment Arts and Engineering Master of Entertainment Arts and Engineering Admissions Information

Master of Entertainment Arts and Engineering Admissions Information

Master of Entertainment Arts and Engineering

Admissions Information


Applications for Fall 2024 are closed. We do not accept new students in the Spring or Summer semesters.

Applications are reviewed in one batch after the application deadline.

There are no early admissions deadlines. 

The Utah Division of Games offers a master’s level graduate program focused exclusively on game development. The aim of the Master of Entertainment Arts and Engineering degree (MEAE) is to produce graduates ready to design, develop, create assets, and provide leadership for the video game industry of today and tomorrow.

The GRE is optional for all tracks. The University of Utah’s GRE code is 4853.

To be admitted to the MEAE you must have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0.


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Requirements for all Applicants


While completing the University of Utah’s online application form you will need to provide the following items:

  • Personal Statement: The personal statement should be a description of your background, why you want to pursue a career in games, what goals you are interested in pursuing in the industry, and how you feel this degree program will help you accomplish your goals. The statement should be approximately 2 – 3 pages, double spaced. Here's some tips for your personal statement!
  • Resume: 1 – 2 pages.
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation: When you apply online you will be asked to provide names and contact information for three recommenders. They will each receive an emailed request to fill out an evaluation form and attach a letter on your behalf. At least one of these three recommendations should be from an academic source. We encourage applicants to “waive the right” to see the recommendations, because most evaluators consider letters written in confidence to be more valuable.
  • Transcripts: Please upload the student copy of your transcripts for the admissions evaluation (please enter GPA as it is stated on your transcript even if this number is not a GPA from the 4.0 system used in the U.S.). Then you will need to arrange to have official transcripts and degree certificates sent directly to the Admissions Office – Graduate Admissions Division at: The University of Utah, 201 South 1460 East, SSB – Room 250, Salt Lake City, UT 84112. NOTE: If your transcripts are too large to upload directly, please use Adobe Acrobat to make a pdf file of the right size.

PLEASE NOTE: To be admitted to the MEAE you must have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0. If you are a recent graduate of the University of Utah or a current U student, you still need to upload an unofficial copy of your transcript, or your application will not be processed. An official copy will not be needed.

Guidelines for Portfolio Submissions:

  1. The portfolio should be submitted as a PDF, JPG, text file, website, or a cloud storage location (Dropbox, Ubox, Google Drive). If uploaded as a website or cloud storage location, ensure that your files are viewable online without requiring the viewer to log in, download files, or install any additional software. For example, artwork should be submitted as .JPG files and movies/animations should be submitted as .MOV files. Files that do not meet these requirements are not guaranteed to be viewed or considered.
  2. Each portfolio sample should include the following information, whether in a README text file or embedded in the portfolio:
    • Name of the project
    • Date of completion
    • Software used or medium
    • Your role / what you did on the project (for example: "solo project", "level designer", "all 2D art").
  3. Please do not send any physical copies or original artworks. All portolio pieces must be submitted digitally via the application portal. Physical pieces should be photographed or scanned and uploaded to the application portal. Do NOT mail any physical portfolio pieces.
  4. Portfolios and other application materials cannot be updated after the application deadline, regardless of what additional work you have completed since the deadline.


Additional Requirements (dependent on track):

  • Production Track Applicants Only: Students can focus on a variety of areas in this track (project management, design, business development/marketing or any combination thereof), but the typical producer is focused on facilitating game creation. Successful applicants to the Production Track can come from a wide variety of backgrounds, but usually have some experience in game development.
  • Engineering Track Applicants Only: A code sample is required. Any non-scripting language is acceptable (preference to C++, C# and Java) working code that you developed, but does not need to be a complete buildable/compilable system. Some topics that would be useful to demonstrate include understanding of modularity, object-oriented concepts, macros, operators, etc. Your code should help show that you have an understanding of algorithms and data structures. All code samples should be submitted with your application. Please include at most two different code samples – maximum of 1000 lines of code. Source code only. GRE scores are optional.
  • Technical Arts Track Applicants Only: Applicants should submit both an art portfolio and code samples. The portfolio should demonstrate a solid understanding of art and design fundamentals and a breadth of technical ability which may include 3D modeling, animation, rigging, technical animation, lighting, VFX, shaders, materials, or problem solving with scripting languages or node based scripting. Preferably, a code sample should demonstrate an understanding of usability from an artist perspective or game systems. Code samples from any language are acceptable. Technical artists frequently use scripting languages such as Python and some focus on compiled languages such as C++.
  • Game Design Track Applicants Only: Applicants should submit a design portfolio featuring completed works, as well as summaries of individual contributions to those works. The portfolio should demonstrate a solid understanding of design fundamentals and/or engine-oriented technical ability and may include samples such as level layouts, game design documents, loot tables, quest chains, enemy designs, and videos/schematics of implemented mechanics and combat features from completed works. Strong applications will demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in multiple design areas and a level of criticality and depth of knowledge in at least one of the major design areas: systems design, level design, encounter design, economy design, world building/narrative design, serious games, etc.
  • Game Art Track Applicants Only: Applicants to the Master Game Studio degree program must submit an art portfolio. This portfolio should contain between 10-15 samples of original artwork by the applicant for review (3-5 samples of drawing from life preferred). The portfolio should demonstrate that the applicant has strong foundational art (demonstrable knowledge of design principles) and observational skills. The portfolio should include drawings directly from live observations.

The emphasis should be on representational accuracy rather than on cartooning or heavy stylization. Avoid cliché examples that rely on characters with exaggerated physical qualities as large eyes, big hair, and elongated limbs, or samples copied directly from manga, animé, Disney, Pixar etc. Instead, focus on creating works that demonstrate your ability to draw from observation and your own imagination.

The drawings should clearly communicate the structure and three-dimensional form of the subject. Familiarity with 3D is not a requirement, but if you have solid 3D examples, you are encouraged to include them. Work completed in the past 12 months is preferred, but earlier examples are acceptable. Include your best work that represents your artistic abilities, regardless of the subject matter or medium. Students accepted into the program without either a traditional 2D design class or digital media experience may be encouraged to take an articulation class before starting their first semester.

Work may include but not limited to the following original traditional and digital artwork: Figure poses/life drawings, artwork that demonstrates design principle knowledge (i.e. composition, design), environmental drawings, animation, graphic design, typography, digital media samples of digital art are strongly encouraged, screenshots from games created, work created in such digital programs as Maya, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc., or samples of painting, sculpture, animation, figure/animal studies, character designs, architectural renderings, and landscape studies may be included.

Please Note: The work required for the game development industry is primarily applied art rather than fine art. Fine art students are encouraged to apply but must be interested and willing to work with peers on creating work for applied game applications. Your submissions will tell us a lot about you as a student as well as your artistic eye and capabilities. Among other things, we will be examining your work to determine your ability to see visually. Use of shading to accurately depict the way light and shadow work on the volumes and masses in observational art is a plus. Composition always matters as well as considered choices regarding value, hue, and color schemes. Your work submitted should be selected with an eye toward quality, design, and composition. Prior knowledge of digital 2D and 3D programs is a definite advantage for what you will be doing, but it is not a requirement.


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