Come and join our giant play testing party!
In EAE’s annual mid-year open house, we will be showcasing and playtesting over 30 games currently being developed in both our undergraduate and graduate games programs. There will be refreshments and music and you can help our students improve their games with your feedback!
Drop in and check out any of the following and more:
- Graduate student thesis games
- Undergraduate capstone projects
- First semester graduate student prototypes
- Games research projects that range from games for health, games-based learning environments, game AI and analytics
- Live motion capture demos
- Reels from our Machinima classes
- Varsity Esports community
Click here to see the List of Games
Doors open at 3:30pm for this event!
Location: 332 South 1400 East Building 72, Room 240 Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Check out some highlights from last year HERE!