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Guest Lecture: Designing Player-AI Interaction: Engaging Players to Understand AI Through Play

Monday, March 25 @ 4pm in PTAB 109 Abstract: Helping people understand AI is an essential effort in the field of HCI. Among the fast-growing body of work, HCI researchers have explored interactive explanations and visualizations as a means to help people build up an understanding of AI systems through exploratory interaction with the system. […]

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Utah Games Launch 2024

Come celebrate our students games with us! April 24th, 2024, 2-7pm  Utah Games Launch is the end of year games launch event for the Division of Games, a celebration of student and faculty work where we give graduating students (from our undergraduate and graduate programs) a chance to show their work. Games shown at Launch […]

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Guest Lecture: Supporting and Enhancing Learning in, through, and around Complex Gameplay

Monday, March 11 at 4pm in PTAB 109 Abstract: Complex games have demonstrated real-world benefits that illustrate their value as innovative and engaging tools for learning, either by leveraging entertainment games in educational contexts or by developing novel gaming environments for the purpose of teaching. However, complex games are also notoriously difficult, which limits their […]

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Guest Lecture: Building Responsive NPCs in the Age of GPT with Emily Short

Utah Games Speaker Series & the Department of English present: When: November 16 Talk details: 5pm to 6pm in CSC 205 (Crocker Science Center) Reception: 6pm to 7pm in Bldg 72 Downstairs Game designers and players alike often aspire to non-player characters who respond to the player in dramatic and emotionally consistent ways — but […]

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Empowerment Through Play

Empowerment Through Play: Transdisciplinary practice in applied games research Laura Levy April 7th @10am MT PTAB RM 109 Description: Empowerment of players and games users can take many forms with the applications of games potentially carrying profound impacts on players health, education, and realization of identity. This talk will cover Dr. Levy’s program of research […]

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Save the Date: EAE LAUNCH 2023

Come celebrate our student’s games with us! Wednesday April 26th | 2-7pm Graduate student thesis games Undergraduate capstone projects First semester graduate student prototypes The Gapp Lab Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design classes Machinima And More! Click here to see some of the games that will be showcased!

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