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Utah Games Launch 2024

Come celebrate our students games with us! April 24th, 2024, 2-7pm  Utah Games Launch is the end of year games launch event for the Division of Games, a celebration of student and faculty work where we give graduating students (from our undergraduate and graduate programs) a chance to show their work. Games shown at Launch […]

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Utah Games Direct 2023

Join us December 8th, 2023 and see what we’ve been up to as we announce 12 new student-made games in production! We invite you to both the live stream at 9am, which will show off some of our students progress on their projects, and an in-person event that starts at 1pm where you’ll be able […]

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Save the Date: EAE LAUNCH 2023

Come celebrate our student’s games with us! Wednesday April 26th | 2-7pm Graduate student thesis games Undergraduate capstone projects First semester graduate student prototypes The Gapp Lab Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design classes Machinima And More! Click here to see some of the games that will be showcased!

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Save the Date: EAE Play 2022

Come and view our giant play testing party! Drop in on twitch from 12:00pm – 7:30pm (MST) to see: Graduate student thesis games Undergraduate capstone projects First semester graduate student prototypes Reels from The Gapp Lab, Machinima, Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design classes Game reviews from EAE Alumni currently […]

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Save the Date: EAE Launch 2022

Come and view our giant launch party! SPONSORED BY Hosted on Twitch! Alternate Control Games Traditional Game Dev and Alternative Game Dev Medical Games and Apps Lab presentation Machinima short films presentation EAE Super Mario Maker Level Design Awards 13 NEW STUDENT GAME LAUNCHES Alumni in industry spotlights Check out the games being shown!

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Save the Date: EAE Play 2021

Come and view our giant play testing party! Drop in on twitch and check out any of the following and more: Graduate student thesis games Undergraduate capstone projects First semester graduate student prototypes Reels from The Gapp Lab, our Machinima, Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design classes Featured EAE Alumni […]

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Save the Date: EAE Launch 2021

Come and view our giant launch party! Drop in on twitch and check out any of the following and more: Graduate student thesis games Undergraduate capstone projects First semester graduate student prototypes Games research projects from games for health Reels from our Machinima, Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design classes […]

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Save the Date: EAE Play 2020

Come and view our giant play testing party! Drop in on twitch and check out any of the following and more: Graduate student thesis games Undergraduate capstone projects First semester graduate student prototypes Games research projects from games for health Reels from our Machinima, Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design […]

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EAE Launch Party ’20

Join us for the EAE Launch Party! Join the EAE program on April 22, for a special presentation on Twitch. EAE and the graduating class of 2020 will present over 45 student produced games, showing trailers, live gameplay and interviews with the student teams. The event will be entirely produced with faculty and students safely […]

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EAE Play 2019 Highlights

EAE Play 2019 was our biggest playtest and open showcase to date! With over 30 student developed video games on site for the general public to see and provide feedback, the entire building was full of games and visitors! The continual growth of the size of this event from year to year is a testament […]

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