Come and view our giant play testing party!
Drop in on twitch and check out any of the following and more:
- Graduate student thesis games
- Undergraduate capstone projects
- First semester graduate student prototypes
- Reels from The Gapp Lab, our Machinima, Traditional Game Dev, Alternative Game Dev and Intro to Game Design classes
- Featured EAE Alumni currently working in industry
Check out and Play the games that will be shown!
Share your Feedback!
Stream begins at 3pm MST
Check out some highlights from last year HERE!
Schedule for EAE Play
3:05pm - 3:55pm
3:55pm - 5:20pm
5:20pm - 5:35pm
5:35pm - 6:40pm
6:40pm - 6:45pm
Rapid Prototype Games
Cohort 11 Thesis Games
The Gapp Lab
Capstone Games
Closing Remarks